Web design is the process of creative ideas and implementing them with appropriate layout.
It encompasses several different aspects, including webpage layout, graphic design and content production.
Web design has several elements like Layout, Color, Graphics, Font, Content etc.
Web design should be user friendly and interactive. It should have proper navigation, Multimedia, Compatibility and Technology.
Factors to became a successful web designer :
Design sense
Graphics design softwares
User Experience Design
Mobile responsive design
Design with business goal in mind
If you want to be a web designer then you must know HTML language.
HTML is the Framework of web pages. HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language.
It is the basic language every designer should learn. HTML is the language used to put content on web page. Content like Text, Photos, Videos, and Graphics.
CSS or Cascading Style Sheets is the partner of HTML. CSS helps to make web page look attractive.
It tells the browser how to format and style HTML for a web page.
With CSS you can adjust the colors, fonts, layouts, background and much more.
Design Sense :
Its obvious that you need powerful and unique design sense to be a successful web designer.
Web designer must be knowledgeable about basic design principles.
Having a good knowledge of color combination, typography, elements of design, layout principles, how to use images and more makes you a successful web designer.
Graphics Design Softwares :
Graphics design softwares are the best friends of web designers.
To make designs, you must familer with these softwares. Firstly you need to learn these softwares because it contains lots of tools and features.
To make designs beautiful there are many graphics design softwares are available.
Some best are listed below :
- Adobe Photoshop
- GIMP(GNU Image Manipulation Program)
- Adobe Illustrator
- Inkscape
- Corel Draw
- Adobe Indesign
Observation :
Keen observation is the key to learn web design fast and quick. Good color combination, layout, typography attract users.
It helps to gain good knowledge about design and discover latest trends.
Observing websites and outdoor flex or banner designs gives you more ideas to make something new and unique.
So keep observing keep learning.
User Experiense Design :
User Experince is the major factor to engage user. It is the process of creating product which provide meaningful and relevant experience to users.
Text, Images, buttons must be in proper line.
Call to action is the most important factor in ux design.
A good call to action makes the process easy.
Mobile Responsive design :
The number of mobile device users around the world has grown to 5.035 billion.
The website is responsive means the layout and content respond based on screen sizes.
Typically there are four screen sizes large desktop, small desktop, tablet and mobile.
So mobile responsiveness is the need of today’s world.
Design with business goal in mind :
Design of a website is the key in helping to grow business. Without business goals in mind your website is waste because you have no basis where to start or what path to take.
With business goals you can design a website which user will easily understand what your product is.
So before you start work on your website, set achievable business goals.
But how to do you simplify these design process?
- Make your goal specific
- Ensure you can measure your progress
- Set time to achieve each of your goals
- Make it possible to achieve your goals
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