Australia is a country and continent surrounded by the Indian and Pacific oceans. Its major cities are Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide are coastal. Its capital, Canberra, is inland. The country is known for its Sydney Opera House, the Great Barrier Reef, a vast interior desert wilderness called the Outback, and unique animal species like kangaroos …

Most Amazing Places To Visit In Thailand
Everyone has certain places they would like to cross off their bucket lists and Thailand is up there with the best. Not surprisingly, the “land of smiles” has seen its fair share of rapid development and an increasing influx of tourists over the past 20 years. Although many of the original hotspots such as Koh …

हिंदी धडक वर मराठी सैराट भारी
हिंदी धडक वर मराठी सैराट भारी सैराट सिनेमाचा हिंदी मध्ये रिमेक येणार याची जेव्हा पासून चर्चा सुरू झाली तेव्हा पासून या सिनेमात परशा आणि आर्ची कोण असणार याची उत्सुकता झाली. आणि त्यानंतर इशांत खट्टर आणि जान्हवी कपूरचे नाव समोर आले, तेव्हापासून या सिनेमाच्या ट्रेलरची सर्वजण आतुरतेने वाट पाहत होते. सैराट हा संपूर्ण चित्रपट महाराष्ट्रच्या पार्श्वभूमीवर आधारित …

पोटधरून हसण्यासाठी एकदा अवश्य भेट द्या, पुण्यात पुणेरी पाट्यांचे प्रदर्शन
एखाद्या घराच्या बाहेर किंवा सार्वजनिक ठिकाणी , काही हॉटेलमध्ये सुद्धा थोड्या विनोदी , तिरकस पाट्या दिसल्या की समजावं की आपण पुण्यात आलोय. आणि अशाच काही विनोदी पाट्यांचं प्रदर्शन पुण्यामध्ये भरवण्यात आलं आहे. पुणे – पुणेकरांचे ज्ञान कैशल्य , टोमणे, उपदेश या सर्वांचा एकत्रित आस्वाद म्हणजे पुणेरी पाट्या. घराच्या बाहेर , सार्वजनिक ठिकाणी किंवा …

Tricky Outfits Solutions – Your Guide To Choose Right Bra!
The most important thing to get a perfect look from your outfit is Bra! As we are updating ourselves with fashion trends, we also need to pay attention on how to do them flawlessly. Are you using right underneath? If you’re struggling with what type of bra goes with your outfit, then this is a …

Top News Channels In Maharashtra
1) Abp Maza(Ughaḍa dole, bagha nit):- ABP Mazha is a 24-hour free-to-air Marathi news channel in India. The Mumbai-based company launched on 22 June 2007. The channel is owned by ABP Group. Rajiv Khandekar is the executive editor at the news channel’s Mumbai headquarters. Star Mazha was renamed as ABP Mazha on 1 June 2012. 2) Ibn Lokmat(Dhyas Janmansacha):- News18Lokmat is a 24-hour Marathi-language news channel based …

Top 10 Greatest International Bowlers Of All Time
1) Curtly Ambrose Cricket Career – 1988 – 2000 National team – West Indies Test – 98 ODI – 176 Wickets – 630 Average – 20.99 2) Muttiah Muralitharan Cricker Carreer – 1992 – 2011 National team – Sri Lanka Test – 133 ODI – 350 T20I – 12 IPL – 66 Wickets – 1410 …

Top 5 Marathi Newspapers In Maharashtra
1) Lokmat- Lokmat is a Marathi language newspaper founded in 1971 by Jawaharlal Darda. It is published from Mumbai and several other cities in Maharashtra state by Lokmat Media Pvt. Ltd., a leading multi-platform media company. This company has interests in a diversified portfolio of publishing, broadcast, digital, entertainment, community and sports verticals. 2) Maharashtra Times- Maharashtra Times also referred to as ‘Ma …

10 Best Face Wash For Oily Skin In India
10 Top Face Wash For Oily Skin: The Body Shop Seaweed Deep Cleansing Gel Face Wash Lotus Herbals Teatreewash – Tea Tree Absolute Oil Control FaceWash Himalaya Herbals Oil Clear Lemon Face Wash Olay Total Effects 7-In-1 Anti-Aging Foaming FaceWash Cleanser Liquid Neutrogena Pure Mild Facial Cleanser Aroma Magic Neem And Tea Tree FaceWash Cetaphil …

प्लास्टिक बंदी : कशावर बंदी ?
येत्या 23 जूनपासून तुमच्या हातात प्लॅस्टिकची पिशवी दिसली तर तुम्हाला तब्बल 5000 चा दंड भरावा लागणार आहे. करण येत्या 23 जुनपासून महाराष्ट्रभरात प्लास्टिक बंदीची कडेकोट अंमलबजावणी सुरू होईल. यामध्ये प्लास्टिक पिशव्या बरोबर वन टाईम युज प्लास्टिक म्हणजेच ज्याचा पुर्नवापर होऊ शकत नाही असे प्लास्टिक वापरणाऱ्यांवर कारवाई होणार आहे. जाणून घेऊन नेमकी बंदी कशावर आणि …

Top 10 Universities in India
1) Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore – Indian Institute of Science (IISc) University is a public institute for rese It is located in Bangalore, India was established in 1909 with active support from Jamsetji Tata and H.H. Sir Krishnaraja Wodeyar IV, the Maharaja of Mysore arch and higher education in science, engineering, design, and management. Address:- CV Raman Rd, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560012 2) Jawaharlal Nehru …

Top Content Management Systems To Build Website
In today’s world everyone wants to express and share their ideas. But How ? Yes, there is an easy way. Its Content Management System (CMS)! What is Content Management System ? How can CMS will Help Us ? The Content Management System is an application that allows you to create, edit and publish your content …