
1. Always be prepared for next plan

On the day of result your role is critically important in your teenager’s life. So on result day encourage them to start thinking about new courses, new colleges and University. This way they start considering about their clearance.

2. Don’t panic, keep communicating

On result day, if your expectation doesn’t meet then it’s an examination time for you. Try to keep calm & tackle the situation smoothly. In all possible ways you have to encourage them for facing that situation & start usual dialogues with them.
If you get desired result/success then no worries, you can start to celebrate result and congratulate them on very grand level. This ways their moral goes high.

3. Always consider time on your side

Not necessarily you need to make future decision on same day of result. You always have a time, so take it up. Firstly understand situation and future scope of courses and college then only kick start the process of admission.

4. Ensure your child about your fuel

While trying for admission in certain universities always ensure your teenager about yout commitment and necessary funds.

5. Open up your mind, take a gap

You have to prepare mindset of yours & your teenager’s as well for taking a bold decision. To grab maximum opportunities it’s always good to take a gap, think about all available options and retaking exams. This way you can achieve your goals and grab a valuable success.
“Always Make A Happy Ending”. Celebrate the day no matter what the result is! This really helps them to remain positive and reassurance from your side.
For celebration why don’t you try some gifting option? Like Flowers, Gifts, Vacation or Gadgets…which can bring joy to their day.