Rent, the word come with the comfort of money. Yes and why not? As we all know that whenever we do not afford to Buy, we move towards Renting. And that’s the truth, nobody denies that.
If this way we consider, Renting option provides you much comfort and convince. Though you are not owning that rented item, there’s nothing less than that, for a period. Renting allows taking a complete feel like an owner. That’s sound really well. Agreed there are some limitations.
Till now as we can see, renting industry is somehow limited to real estate sector and other few. But now the whole industry shows dramatically change. And started influencing major utility product and consumer electronics industry too. This has been seen in upcoming years as technology leads all changes.
Due to mobilization and significant growth in intercity relocation, this industry has shown tremendous needs. Mostly relocated people never afford to buy each and every product in a quality lifestyle. Hence many of technology platform immerse as a renting marketplace for furniture and home appliances. Furlenco, Rentickle, Rentomojo, Zefo, Pepperfry are few of among them. These all platform are now showing rapid growth month on month and paves the path of industry success.
Now, these players have introduced easy access to consumer electronics products and home furniture. Rather buying you can use on rent and even pay as you go. Not that all, platforms like Rentomojo takes care of all your relocation, shifting and yearly maintenance. Simply you have to enjoy the benefit of paying a small rent.
I personally recommend to go for rent without any hesitation. And save your capital cost. Do suggest your opinion.